Dr Georges Mouton MD
Is internationally renowned as a leading expert in Functional Medicine. He holds consultations in London where he uses a sophisticated Functional Medicine approach to both treat his patient's complaints and prevent chronic degenerative diseases or future ailments.
Doctor Mouton lectures on a diverse range of medical subjects to health care professionals worldwide. His lectures, articles and abstracts are all freely accessible here on the Health Clinic website.
Doctor Mouton is the author of "Les méthodes du Docteur Mouton" (The Methods of Doctor Mouton), published in 2002. In this book, he shares 20 years of experience in training and treating amateur and professional sports people. His second book, "Ecosystème intestinal & santé optimale" (Intestinal ecosystem and optimal health) was first published in 2004, and re-printed in 2005, 2007, 2010, and 2013. In this rigorously referenced work, Dr Mouton offers a comprehensive scientific exploration of the interconnected relationships between intestinal function / dysfunction and general health, which represents a classic pillar of Functional Medicine.
A third book has been published in 2014, in French and then in English, under the title: "Introduction to Functional Medicine", based on Doctor Mouton's blogs that also appear on this website (click "blogs").
Glen Matten MSc NutrMed
The work of Doctor Mouton is supported by Nutritional Medicine expert, Glen Matten. Glen originally trained in Nutritional Therapy at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition, before completing a Masters Degree in Nutritional Medicine at the University of Surrey, graduating with distinction.
Glen has run successful clinics across the UK for over a decade. He lectures, provides consultancy services and has spent time working in research. Glen features widely in the media, with numerous forays into television and radio, alongside writing for a number of publications, including The Times. He is co-founder and director of the pioneering health blog <aidangoggins> and is an expert blogger for The Huffington Post and is recognized as one of the top influencers in the UK food industry.
His extensive training and diverse experience put Glen in a unique position to offer highly effective expert nutritional advice. Glen focuses on the importance of taking an individualised approach to promote optimal health, focusing on the underlying causes of any health problems, rather than just the symptoms. He collaborates closely with medical doctors, attracts clients from all over the world, and works with a number of celebrities.
Glen is an award-winning and bestselling author, his first book The 100 Foods You Should Be Eating was published in 2009 and has subsequently been translated into numerous languages around the world. His second book The Health Delusion was published in 2012 and was recently awarded the prestigious Medical Journalists' Association award for best consumer health book of the year.
To book an appointment, you can send an email to glen@funmeddev.com.
John Shirley CSCS
The Health Clinic’s expert exercise specialist John Shirley provides individually tailored therapeutic exercise programs for Dr Mouton’s patients. John is a highly accomplished, and experienced strength and conditioning coach, personal trainer and sports massage therapist. He has an extensive background in each of these areas having certified with the world-renowned National Strength & Conditioning Association, the Poliquin International Certification Program, the Raworth International College of Complementary Therapies and the C.H.E.K Institute of 'Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology'.
John has positioned himself at the forefront of the UK fitness-training arena since establishing his personal training company ‘Kinetic Personal Training’ in late 2005, receiving glowing endorsements from his clients in both the national television and sporting magazine media. Clients have come to him in every shape, size and ability from all walks of life and he has worked extensively with elite-level athletes in a variety of sports - including Olympic squad Snowboarders, international track and field athletes, racing drivers, rugby players, rowers and endurance athletes.
A graduate from the university of Edinburgh, John actually began his career as a practicing Veterinary Surgeon! His decision to change career direction was driven by a change in desire to work instead within a health and fitness performance based field - a natural progression he considers following his formative years as a competitive athlete and national junior (Shukokai) Karate champion. He has found the career transition to be immensely enjoyable, and his enthusiasm is always reflected in his dedication, skills and attention to detail with his clients.
John has a very keen interest in functional medicine and remains committed to being at the cutting-edge of developments in the sphere of exercise, health and sport therapies. His individually tailored holistic approach to exercise therapy perfectly complements Dr Mouton’s treatment programs.
For more details about John’s work, visit www.johnshirley.co.uk.